I am currently a Senior in electrical engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles. I recently transferred there from the College of the Sequoias located in Visalia, California, which is also my hometown.
I love going down rabbit holes, Wikipedia sprints, whatever you'd like to call it. And I mostly enjoy trying to model and recreate systems in the engineering sense. My love for learning and gaining insight into the many aspects of engineering and applied mathematics has lead me towards a path of research and discovery.
As of now, I intend to continue on into research in the areas of control systems, signals and systems, and machine learning.

Me (Left), Kodiak (St. Bernard), Kierra (Sister)
Dynamics and Controls
2019 - Present
University of California, Los Angeles
Electrical Engineering Student
Signals and Systems
Machine Learning/Deep Learning
2016 - 2019
College of the Sequoias
A.S. Math, Physics, Engineering
2012 - 2016
El Diamante High School
Visalia, CA